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3ware 3dm2 on Debian Linux

Posted on : 14-04-2006 | By : Brandon W. King | In : Computers/IT, Error Fixes, Linux

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The other day I needed upgrade a server to a more recent kernel (2.6.16) when I realized I need to upgrade 3ware’s web monitoring daemon 3dmd to the new 3dm2. Since they don’t support Debian officially, I surfed the internet for a Debian init.d script for 3dm2. I found this e-mail (link) which contained most of what was needed. With a little help from Diane Trout, here are the final touches for the Debian 3dm2 init.d script. To use it, place it in /etc/init.d/3dm2 and execute the command update-rc.d 3dm2 defaults’ to install init scripts.

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