Posted on : 18-09-2007 | By : Brandon W. King | In : Bioinformatics, Python, Science, Software Development/Engineering
Tags:, Bioinformatics, biology, Python
As I said I would do, I am now in the progress of setting up and seeding the biology in python community site, which can be found at Part of the goal, as set at the SciPy 2007 Biology Birds of a Feather (BoF) meeting (organized by Titus Brown), is to establish a community site where anyone using Python in the field of Biology can come together, communicate, share ideas, and share code.
As part of the programming guide, I posted my “Preparing to learn python guide“, in which, I mention the things about Python I wish I had known when I started learning Python. I am guessing it will be most useful to those who have programmed before in another language and are trying to learn Python.
Also, I posted a link to Software Carpentry in the programming guide. Thanks Greg for starting that project!